
Linear Workflow -- The true to all the lies in rendering

Every time I start lighting a new scene,

I find the lights behave weirdly in Maya...

...it's not what light should behave in real life.

I tried to convine myself that was because I haven't learn enough about lighting.

However, after watching videos about Linear Workflow,

I prove to myself that my instinct was right.

The way I worked with lighting in Maya was a lie!!!

A big Fat Lie!!!

In order for things to display properly on sRBG screens,

every image has been applied a counter gamma curve

to counter the gamma curve every screen display would have.

To put the problem with lighting and rendering in Maya simple:

The computer calculates lights and shadow base on corrected data for screens

when what computer should be doing is

calculate with linear data!!!!

The way to solve it right now is telling Maya all the image input data are linear sRGB

and correct all the image with a counter-counter gamma curve...

Anyway, this is going to be my secret  weapon for animation final, LOL

More details on this topic:

