
Is game industry the best place for me to get into?

Define The Problem:

*  I’m a talented artist, but that doesn’t mean I will definitely be doing art for the rest of my life. The same thing for my data analysis skills and other skills I have.
*  Myself mostly. Then goes to anyone who can answer my question.
*  I’m multi-talented and execute plans well. I had work experience in small mobile game company.  Ideally there is no barrier for me to get into any field that I want to get into.
*  Bring fantasy into reality.

Restructure my problem:

*  What is the field that can exercise all my talents?
*  Is game industry where I can bring my fantasy into reality and fulfill my needs?

The 5 Whys:

*  Whoever I involve in the future and myself.
*  My career
* Figure out in next 5 years
*  Because I don’t want a job, I want a career.
* I want to work in the U.S. Maybe the west coast.
*  I had a so-so experience in a summer internship with a small mobile game company; so I worried that game industry may not be the best fit for me.

Separate the parts from the whole:

Rephrase the problem:

*  Should I place into game industry?
* Is game industry my destination?

Create a word chain:

Dear my last boss, thank you for ruining my first real job experience and the first experience in the game industry, oops, if you are in the game industry, look at what games you are making: racing cars, poker, utility, what, you think those are games, those are just your money makers, They don’t have any real game plays. You promised to mentor me at game development, but you didn’t. You said it was because the young programmer made so many mistakes and you waste so much time on him, yeah, I waste so much time here, too. You asked me to learn work ethics from Steve Jobs to work long hours, what Steve Jobs does? Yeah, selling iphones and iphones are products not games. Maybe you can take a class in not confusing games and normal products and we can talk. Why you want everyone to communicate though e-mail? Don’t you even notice how dead the working environment is. I don’t feel like your place produce any creativity. I so glad that I won’t work for you any more and good luck to your little company which does not offer any contract. Good luck taking all your time to run your business. Oh my god I feel so good split all those out at once.

Make it a positive action statement:
*  My last boss gave a so-so impression in work.
*  Be smart about find the right company.
*  Change my work environment
*  Be more out spoken if I think I am treated well, as I deserved.
*  I will feel fulfilled for my work.

Switch perspective:

*  The game industry isn’t fully grown yet. It definitely needs some visionaries to push it to the next level. But does it need me, not necessarily. It’s not because I’m not important, it’s just that those visionaries can be anybody. However, for people at my age, I have the skills and knowledge that better qualify me than others who also wants to work in game industry.

DaVinci’s Mutiple Perspectives:

*  There may be one field that suits me better.
* My friends would say you know you will find something, why bother yourself too much to find the better one? Adult  will say I’m in the right age to think about the right question.
*  I should worry about this question, but I should worry about it so much that I might miss out the present.

Use questions

*  As I said I don’t want a job, I want a career. If I want to make money I know I better off going into business.
*  Game industry is growing; it’s hard to predict which direction it is going into.
* What aspects of a job in game industry that is bad and I have to bare with and which aspects are not.
* I read industry news and read hiring posts from different company. I talk to people who have or had the opposition I wanted to make sure their description matches my impression of the job. I think I’m in a good position.
* Yes. I can list all my options and their attributes. Then make a decision grid.
*  I’m interesting anything that due with arts, numbers or people, not anything else.
*   Joining clubs in schools. I only stay in clubs that I feel welcomed.
*  I will success in my career.

Think of the problem as:

*  Bitter and sweet
*  A little boy
*  Gold
* Loud Jazz
*  Flexible, can be shaped in any way, but feels like powder
* It dances with rhythm. The waves are hard to predict.

