
My Creative Biology

1.       I was in kindergarten. One day, we were learning to paint cucumbers. I painted the most realistic cucumber. I guess I developed my art style from a very early stage.
2.       Yes. Everyone in the class saw it.
3.       I cooked noodle with miso soup and other spice. It was delicious.
4.       I took ingredients from different dishes and make something more delicious.
5.       Hit on straight guys.
6.       Because I was expecting something impossible to happen, every time. It fits into the description of insanity.
7.       I want to remind people the beauty of this world.
8.       My influence is not strong enough.
9.       Become famous for my work and keep advertising them to more people.
10.   Sing. The song I sing this week is “You will never fully dress without a smile”.
11.   Sing more. Look for something that is inspiring.
12.   I have a relatively stable sleeping and eating schedule, beside that I will try to do something a little bit different from last day.
13.   Leonardo De Vinci and Escher. Who said that artist can’t be good at math? I would argue that you can’t be a good artist if you are not good at math.
14.   I’m artistic and analytical.
15.   My friends in Drexel. They inspire me to become a better person by being who they are and true to themselves.
16.   Intelligence is only one part of one’s personality. If anyone put his intelligence to be his priority, it’s pathetic. I less concern about how smart someone is, but who he really is.
17.   “What good is sitting alone in your room? Come hear the music play.” – Cabaret
18.   I like the result a little better. No one cares about your process in making something great happen, until you are famous. When you are famous, your past is just whatever comes out of your own mouth. How many percent of the story you tell will be true?
19.   See a musical/ musical movie. Be in one.
20.   I will become emotionally drain one day.
21.   The time I realize the Broadway is not my way, I was angry. I hated the fact it’s white guys’ production exclusively for white guys’ ideal. However, musical is dying and electrical entertainment is up. And I will make sure this process will come even sooner. Emotion drain can happen in any second. I can’t predict when it’s going to happen, but I’m glad that I still feel right now.
22.   The last question. I wanted to live a simple life, but this world just not going to make this humble dream come true.
23.   Mastery is combination and transformation work together. My math teacher in high school would describe matrix in Linear Algebra as a road map, it transforms between two dimensions. For me math and art are the two perspectives to look into the same thing. In my opinion, different subjects can use transformation matrix to connect. However people are so blind by what they do and don’t even think how they do connect with everything else.
24.   Make a game to be remembered forever/ Become a nightingale, singest in the Summer.
25.    I am a person who looks more inside human’s mind than look out for inspiration. So, my brainbanks will be more about thoughts and emotions than other thing.

